Microsoft SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online is a service that It allows you to manage, share and collaborate on documents, files, lists, news and other content with both University staff and students.

You can co-author a document with multiple people at the same time, making collaboration easy. SharePoint Online also provides the ability to quickly find, filter, sort and share information. It enables you to find files you’re looking for quickly with personalised search and discovery features.

SharePoint Online works well for:

  • Storing documents for your group.

  • Sharing other types of information such as lists, files, news and intranet content.

  • Searching and finding documents, files and other content.

You can access SharePoint online without needing the application on your device by visiting and selecting SharePoint from the application launcher in the top left-hand corner.

There are a number of short videos you can view to help you understand how to use the application and get the most out of it.

Note that only Research students are currently able to be site owners. This means that the functionality in some of the videos won’t be accessible by taught students.